President, Labor, – Katie Murphy
Secretary, Labor, – Joan Ballantyne
Director, Labor – (1 per region for 3 years)
Region One – Vacant
Region Two – Vacant
Region Three – Vacant
Region Four – Elizabeth Mulholland
Region Five – Vacant
Director At-Large, General
Connie Gassett
Meghan Mahoney
Susan Wright Thomas
Director At-Large, Labor (4 for 3 years)
Mary Havlicek Cornacchia
Ania Noel-Edwards
Connie Wilder
Colleen Wolfe
Labor Program Member who is a non-RN Health Care Professional
(1 for 3 years) – Vacant
Nominations Committee,
(5 for 3 years)-1 per Region – 5 Positions Vacant
Bylaws Committee, (5 for 3 years)
- Michael D’Intinosanto
- 4 positions vacant
At-Large Position in Regional Council
(3 years 2 per region)
Region 1 – 2 positions vacant
Region 2 – 2 positions vacant
Region 3 – 2 positions vacant
Region 4 – Elizabeth Mulholland
– 1 position vacant
Region 5 – 2 positions vacant
NENA Delegate (9 for 3 years)
Karen Coughlin
Michael D’Intinosanto
7 positions vacant
General means an MNA member in good standing & does not have to be a member of the labor program. Labor means an MNA member in good standing who is also a labor program member. Labor Program Member means a non-RN Healthcare Professional who is a member in good standing of the labor program.