Join us April 25 for a community forum about the experiences and needs of BMC staff and the community during the pandemic and beyond.
Hosted by the Western Massachusetts Area Labor Federation, Pete White, Vice President of Pittsfield City Council and the MNA nurses of Berkshire Medical Center
Time: Apr 25, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 870 9704 5827
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This Virtual Community Forum will feature Berkshire Medical Center nurses and labor and community leaders. It will provide an opportunity for transparent discussion about the needs of BMC frontline staff and the community during the pandemic and beyond.
For more than two years, the nurses and staff at BMC have been working hard to keep the community safe. As nurses negotiate a new union contract, they will discuss the need for BMC to address recruitment and retention of hospital staff. Every member of the community deserves to be able to access safe, quality care.