News & Events

Political Pulse

From the Massachusetts Nurse Newsletter
April/May 2012 Edition

MNA’s patient safety bills are progressing on Beacon Hill

MNA legislation that will protect patients and improve working conditions for nurses is on the move.

In late March, the Committee on Public Health released the Patient Safety Act, otherwise known as Safe Staffing, to the Committee on Health Care Financing. The committee also gave favorable reports to legislation that would stop the dangerous practice of mandatory overtime, as well as a bill that would require health care facilities to put policies in place for safe patient handling.

Moving out of a legislative committee is an important step and the MNA will continue to work to bring these bills to passage.

Region 2 members meet Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren

On April 5, the Central MA AFL-CIO hosted a meet and greet with Elizabeth Warren in Worcester. She is the MNA-endorsed candidate for the U.S. Senate and at the event, accepted the endorsement of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO. Region 2 MNA members had a chance to meet and talk with Warren.