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MNA Nurses from Central Mass Offer Support to Occupy Worcester Protesters – Delegation of Nurses to Deliver Supplies Tonight at 8 p.m.

Nurses Support Efforts to Hold Wall Street Accountable for Devastation Caused on Main Street

Nurses, who every day care for the casualties of the economic crisis driven by Wall Street greed, are standing in solidarity with and offering their support to the new Occupy Worcester protest. Tonight, a delegation of nurses from hospitals and other facilities in Central Mass, who are represented by the Massachusetts Nurses Association/ National Nurses United, plan to visit the Occupy Worcester site and deliver blankets, tarps and flashlights as the protesters establish their presence at the Lake Park site. 

The MNA/NNU has been actively supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement, holding rallies at the Occupy Boston location, while sending members and staff to volunteer at a first aide tent at the Occupy Wall Street site in New York City.  The organization’s support is based on the shared goal of holding Wall Street accountable for the devastation it has caused on Main Street.  In fact, prior to the occupy movement’s inception, the MNA/NNU had launched its own “Main Street Contract” campaign for a tax on Wall Street financial speculation to provide revenue for Main Street reforms, including jobs at living wages, quality education, guaranteed health care for all, and freedom from hunger, homelessness, and retirement insecurity. 

Who:   A delegation of Central Mass Nurses from UMass Memorial Medical Center campuses, St. Vincent Hospital and other facilities will visit the Occupy Worcester site to deliver supplies.

When:  Tuesday, Oct.18, 2011 at 8 p.m.

Where:  Occupation site at Quinsigamond Lake Park

Contact:  For more information about this event, contact David Schildmeier at 781.249.0430 or Sandy Ellis at 781.363.0020.