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MNA/NNU Endorsement of Elizabeth Warren for Senate Featured Prominently in NECN Coverage of Her Speech at Labor Day Breakfast

Will Elizabeth Warren run?

Sep 5, 2011 1:49pm
(NECN: Tom Langford) – Elizabeth Warren looks like a candidate, sounds like a candiate and has already been endorsed by the Massachusetts Nurses Association.

"We want to bring back the American dream," said Association President Donna Kelly-Williams. "And everything that Elizabeth is saying is everything that we stand for."

So when Warren gave this campaign-style speech at the annual Labor Day breakfast in Boston, those in the room hung on her every word to see if she’d officially enter the U.S. Senate race.

She didn’t do that.

She did say this:

"I’m not giving up without a fight. I’m going to keep fighting for middle class families, for working people. whether I fight as an outsider or I fight from the floor of the Senate, I will continue to stand up for what I believe in."

Nonetheless, the speech impressed Boston Mayor Tom Menino.

"She said, ‘I’m going to work beside you, I’m going to fight with you inside and outside of government,’" he said. "I’m pretty sure that in the very near future Elizabeth Warren will announce for the US Senate."

But when will that announcement come?

Warren says "soon" — she’s still thinking things over.

"When I do things, I really jump into them all the way.  And that means I want to look and I want to be really thoughtful about this."

While Warren makes up her mind, seven Democrats have already jumped into the race. 

Whoever wins the Democratic primary will take on Scott Brown. 

He has said he is running for another term.