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New Survey: 72 Percent in U.S. Think Health System Needs Major Overhaul

Seven of 10 U.S. adults think the country’s health care system needs to be fundamentally changed or completely rebuilt, according to A Call for Change: The Commonwealth Fund 2011 Survey of Public Views of The U.S. Health System. As described in the new report, released today, adults’ concerns reflect the barriers they’ve encountered when accessing care, poor coordination of care, and growing costs.

The survey results also reveal strong public support for patient-centered medical homes, a team approach to care, and the use of information systems by providers.

Reforms in the Affordable Care Act target many of these areas of concern, and, if successfully implemented, should improve access, affordability, and coordination of patient care. But as the report also notes, additional measures will be needed to counter rising costs and further improve quality and access.

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