- Julie Pinkham updated the BOD on current issues facing the bargaining units: Anna Jaques, Marlborough Hospital and Merrimack Valley reached tentative agreements; Unit 7 ratified their tentative agreement; staffing continues to be a major problem at Berkshire Medical, Boston Medical, St. Vincent’s and Tufts.
- Roland Goff, Labor Counsel/Unit 7 Administrator, highlighted an NLRB decision that found card check agreements lawful.
- The BOD reviewed and approved the MNA’s revised safe staffing legislation. It will be filed in January, along with the other bills approved by the BOD last month.
- The BOD approved “An Act Relating to Liability Protection for Disaster Volunteers” as amended by the Emergency Preparedness Task Force.
- The BOD approved the list of appointees that Regional Council 3 submitted for the Greater Southeastern MA Labor Council and the Plymouth Bristol Labor Council.
- The BOD approved the Bylaws Committee’s revised Procedures and Protocol as proposed.
- The BOD created a subgroup to look at NENA (North East Nurses Association) to vet through what a regional structure would look like and how it will fit within NNU.
- SAVE THE DATE – LEADERSHIP SUMMIT: The next Leadership Summit is scheduled for Thursday, March 31, 2011 (with a reception the night before). More information to follow.
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