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MNA/NNU Nursing Practice Alert!

We will keep you posted on future meetings and hearings they hold on this issue, however, for those who were planning to attend the BORN meeting on March 13, feel free to show up as we still want the BORN to know the nursing community is watching their every move, and we are committed to doing everything in our power to stop this attempt to undermine our profession!

Join Our Campaign to Stop This Dangerous Proposal! If you haven’t called or emailed the BORN, please do so now!!
WHAT:  The Board of Registration in Nursing (BORN), which oversees the licensure of nurses in the Commonwealth and the regulations governing your nursing practice, is engaged in a dangerous effort to amend the Nurse Practice Act (the law that dictates your role and responsibilities as a registered nurse) to allow RN’s to delegate medication administration and other procedures (such as wound care and tube feedings) to unlicensed personnel in all settings, including long term care, home care, schools and acute care hospitals.
Medication administration is a complex procedure that demands the skilled assessment and monitoring that only RNs can provide. This proposal is nothing short of an all out attack on your nursing practice. It will mean reduced RN staffing. It will mean greater reliance on unlicensed personnel, greater liability for nurses and dramatically unsafe conditions for patients.
The BORN is moving quickly to make these changes and we  need to show our strong opposition to this ludicrous proposal.  After our  last email alert on this issue, and after the BORN was flooded with emails and phone calls, they took this issue off the March 13 agenda. 

WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. (if you can’t stay for the entire meeting, come for some portion of it and wear your scrubs so they know frontline nurses are standing up against this proposal)  Again, this issue will not be discussed at this meeting,

WHERE: BORN, 239 Causeway Street, Boston MA 02114. (Across from the TD Garden, a block or two east of North Station)

BACKGROUND:  Last year, BORN released a report recommending that RN delegation to unlicensed personnel be permitted across all clinical settings. MNA fought back and squelched that effort, but the BORN is back once again with this proposal.

ANTICIPATED NEXT STEPS: Attend the BORN meeting on March 13. If you can’t make the meeting, please call AND email BORN Executive Director Rula Harb at 617-973-0907; Tell her you are a registered nurse in Massachusetts and you strongly oppose any effort by the BORN to change the Nurse Practice Act to allow the delegation of medication administration to unlicensed personnel. 

Please share this email and information with all your nursing colleagues, and encourage them to join our effort to stop this proposal. Visit our website,; or our Facebook page: for further developments.