News & Events

Task Force on Workplace Violence and Abuse Prevention releases position statement

From the Massachusetts Nurse Newsletter
August 2004 Edition

By Evelyn Bain, M Ed, RN, COHN-S
Associate Director/Coordinator, Health & Safety

Over the past year, members of the MNA Workplace Violence and Abuse Prevention Task Force worked diligently to prepare a position statement that would express their interest, concern, and recommendations to address a prevalent and perverse condition that exists in hospitals and other healthcare settings today. Task force members recognize the toll that violence takes on nurses themselves and their reluctance to report many instances. Additionally, task force members are concerned with the adverse effects that workplace violence and abuse has on a patient’s recovery and well being.

The position statement can be utilized to develop workplace violence and abuse prevention programs in hospitals or other healthcare settings, advocate for safe working conditions or simply to understand and communicate the extent of the problem. Task Force members who worked to develop the position statement included Rosemary O’Brien, chairperson, Noreen Hogan, vice chairperson, Kate Opanasets and David Denneno.

A copy of the position statement may be obtained here.