News & Events

MNA Board of Directors Meeting highlights February 2023


February 16, 2023

  • Felicia Daly and Tanya Reynolds, two of Brockton Hospital’s MNA Tri-Chairs, attended the meeting and updated the BOD on status of the hospital. The hospital has been closed since an electrical transformer fire on Tuesday, February 7 th. The Committee is meeting with MNA and management of the hospital to determine the timeline for reopening. MNA is looking at options to disperse nurses to other MNA facilities. The BOD praised the nurses and other first responders for successfully evacuating more the 160 patients during this horrific event.
  • St. Elizabeth’s ratified their tentative agreement securing major improvements in staffing and wage increases. Beth Israel Plymouth reached a mid-contract settlement on wages in exchange for a one year contract extension. Leominster Hospital reached a tentative agreement significantly improving wages and also settling a number of grievances on charge nurse with an assignment by awarding double time any time a nurse has an assignment plus a further settlement agreement if the hospital continues to violate the contract language.
  • The BOD updated the September 2021 COVID-19 position statement to reflect where we are at with the virus and the current vaccine/booster. Considering recent evidence, the MNA can no longer recommend mandatory vaccination of its members, particularly those who have experienced negative side effects following previous COVID-19 vaccinations/boosters. Given that research now shows that the vaccine does not prevent the new variants from being transmitted or causing infection and the originally more deadly variants are no longer the endemic or pandemic variants of concern, we recommend amnesty for staff that lost their employment.
  • It was announced that Judy Pare will be rejoining the MNA staff as the Director of Nursing/Health and Safety/Labor Education in June.
  • The BOD appointed Withza Jean Pierre Louis to the vacant Region 5 seat on the Bylaws Committee.
  • MNA COMMITTEE VACANCIES: There are vacancies on the MNA Board of Directors for a Region 4 Director, two Director At-Large General seats and a Labor Program Member seat (HCP). There are also vacancies on the Bylaws Committee (Regions 1 and 3); Nominations & Elections (Regions 1 and 3) and the MNA Finance Committee (At-Large Member from collective bargaining). If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact Robin Gannon for a consent to serve form at 781-830-5724 or
  • LABOR SUMMIT: Thursday, March 16 th from 9am-4pm at the Four Points Sheraton in Norwood with a social March 15th from 6-9pm. Register now at Note: MNA discounted hotel rooms are sold out.
  • SAVE THE DATE: The 2023 MNA Convention will be held at the Quincy Marriott on Wednesday and Thursday, October 11th and 12th .

Thank you,

MNA Board of Directors