Candidate Statements


                NAME:               KATIE MURPHY, MSN, RN, CCRN, CNRN

                                                          Framingham, MA              

EMPLOYMENT:                Brigham & Women’s Hospital   

    EDUCATION:                Framingham State University, MSN, 2012

                                          Boston University, Bachelors, 1982

                                          Vermont College, Associates, 1975

PRESENT/PAST:              President, Board of Directors

Serving as the President of the Massachusetts Nurses Association has been the honor and privilege of a lifetime. The work that you do every day is important, critical work. We care for the most vulnerable and the most powerful and provide that care with the highest standards, often under challenging conditions. But as organized nurses, we have a greater platform to advocate for our patients and our colleagues at every level.

You know the circumstances under which you work in your facility. We know the forces working against high-quality and equal access to healthcare in Massachusetts. Throughout the pandemic, nurses all over the state fought for their patients. I heard that refrain everywhere I went, every meeting I attended and our communities are healthier and stronger because of that ethic.

I took office soon after the first peak of the pandemic, taking the baton from Donna Kelly-Williams who had lead the MNA and I strove to continue her work for safe staffing and working conditions.
I have combined my decades-long career as a bedside nurse with many years of public service to work to achieve the goals set by our members. I have met and spoken with nurses and healthcare professionals across the state and in every setting. In fact, that is the aspect of this role I relish the most: meeting with members and hearing your stories.

I humbly ask for your vote and allow me to continue to serve you.


NAME:                 JOAN BALLANTYNE, RN      

                                                    Mansfield, MA           

EMPLOYMENT:                 Norwood/SEMC


PRESENT/PAST:                R5 Chair



                NAME:                 ELIZABETH MULHOLLAND, PMHCNS/BS

                                                          Tewksbury, MA

EMPLOYMENT:                 Tewksbury Hospital

    EDUCATION:                  UMass Lowell, MSN, 2002

                                           University of New Hampshire, BSN, 1993                                      

PRESENT/PAST:                 BOD 2020-2023, Secretary 2020-present Reg 4


               NAME:                 CONNIE GASSETT, RN

                                                      Boston, MA

EMPLOYMENT:                 Retired -Brigham & Women’s Hospital

    EDUCATION:                  University of Delaware, BSN, 1973

PRESENT/PAST:                 BOD, 20years BWH Committee       

               NAME:              MEGHAN MAHONEY, BSN, RN, CNRN

                                                          Dorchester, MA

EMPLOYMENT:                 Brigham & Women’s Hospital

    EDUCATION:                 Northeastern University, BSN, 2018

                                           Whitman Hanson Regional High School, Diploma, 2013

PRESENT/PAST:                BWH Health & Safety Rep (current)      

My name is Meghan Mahoney and I am hopeful to serve you, the nurses of the Massachusetts Nurses Association, as a member of the MNA Board of Directors. I graduated from Northeastern University in May 2018 and began my career as a staff nurse at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA. Here, I have worked as a nurse both in the Emergency Department as well as inpatient and outpatient Neurology. It has been a privilege to learn from experienced and professional nurses who have not only taught me how to be a strong nurse, but also demonstrated the critical importance of having a strong union. In my relatively short career thus far, I have witnessed both the COVID-19 pandemic and what I consider to be a significant cultural shift associated with it. Hospitals across the country as well as their executives continue to thrive by implementing egregious cost saving measures, to the detriment of our patients and nurses. Nurses continue to leave the bedside in droves, and the experienced nurses that we have relied on to pass on their critical base of knowledge to newly licensed nurses are becoming far more scarce. My contribution would be eager participation with a willingness to listen to and learn from my colleagues. As we continue to navigate this new age of healthcare, I am dedicated to being a voice of change. I appreciate your consideration and hope to serve you in this role. Thank you!

NAME:                  ANIA NOEL-EDWARD, RN

                                                       Hyde Park, MA

EMPLOYMENT:                MGB Healthcare

    EDUCATION:                Chamberlain University, MSN, in program

                                           Curry College, 2004


Healthcare has evolved and not necessarily for the better. Right now, nurses spend less time with the patients who need us most. Nurses have more responsibilities, mostly designated by management as a way to seek reimbursements and increase revenue. This is a major contributor to the decline in the field. Less people want to go into nursing, and more nurses are leaving the profession every day. We were already burned out and fatigued when the pandemic hit. For a while, we thought that Covid would shed a spotlight on the oppressive working conditions that nurses face every day. And for a while it did, but things changed quickly because of the strain on an already-overtaxed system. As a result, nurses feel devalued. If I am elected to this role, I will use this position to advocate for nurses and the value we bring to healthcare and the world. I will create tables for nurses where we can come together in dialogue to be our own advocates to the hospital. I would also like to see more opportunities to advance our education and careers. Thank you for considering me, I hope to have your vote.

                NAME:               SUSAN WRIGHT THOMAS, MSN, RNC

                                                          Hull, MA

EMPLOYMENT:               Quincy, College

    EDUCATION:                Worcester State University, MSN, 2016

                                           Brockton Hospital School of Nursing, Diploma, 1993

                                           University of Massachusetts, MS, 1982

PRESENT/PAST:              Board of Directors, Awards Committee (chair), Region 5
Representative  (Cambridge Hospital)

I am running for re-election to the MNA Board of Directors because I have perspective and experience that continue to grow as I transition from role to role in my career. I maintain close connections to the Cambridge membership and continue to serve as the unit’s representative to Region Five. I consult and advise the unit on grievances and contract maintenance to resolve recent issues and more importantly, prevent grievances. As a nurse educator in an Associate Degree Nursing program I keep contact with former students to maintain an awareness of current practice and issues they experience in their transition to practice.

The major challenges for the profession are the fracturing of our workforce by misguided Management proposals: Nursing Compact, classification of nurses as independent contractors, and the expansion into the nursing domain of workers with limited expertise (EMTs).  There is also an opportunity to develop a true pathway to respect and professional growth for our Nursing Home workers, LPNs and CNAs. If we are to resolve the crisis in care for our Emergency services and acute hospitals we need to clear the pipeline to long-term care.

As we learned from our  work to pass the Safe Care ballot question, too many academics fail to recognize the perspective of the bedside nurse whom we purport to prepare for practice, aligning themselves with Management. I ask for your consideration and vote so that I may continue to steer our Union in these vital directions.

                NAME:                 ELLEN FARLEY WYLIE, RNC

                                                          Middleboro, MA

EMPLOYMENT:                 Retired

    EDUCATION:                  UMass Dartmouth, BSN

PRESENT/PAST:                 BOD, Unit 7 BOD    


                NAME:                MARY HAVLICEK CORNACCHIA, BSN, RN            

                                                          Westborough, MA

EMPLOYMENT:                 Tufts

    EDUCATION:                  Fitchburg State College, BSN, 1988

PRESENT/PAST:                Workplace Violence, Congress Health & Safety

I would appreciate your vote to continue my advocacy, and to give voice to those who’s voices need to be heard. As a member of the MNA, Board of Directors, I have had so many opportunities to speak at the state house, at public hearings, and public forums, and across several media platforms, highlighting health and safety issues, affecting nurses and our patients across the Commonwealth.

As cochair of the bargaining committee at Tufts, I represent over 1400 nurses. I have been a participant on committees and the workplace violence task force at MNA. I am honored to be a NENA delegate.

It is imperative that we continue to raise awareness of critical issues and educate our legislators and the public about those issues affecting nurses and our patients. Please allow me the opportunity to utilize the resources that the MNA provides to continue working to ensure the safety of our profession, and to provide safe care for our patients.

              NAME:                   ANIA NOEL-EDWARD, RN

                                                       Hyde Park, MA

EMPLOYMENT:                 MGB Healthcare

    EDUCATION:                  Chamberlain University, MSN, in program

                                           Curry College, 2004


Healthcare has evolved and not necessarily for the better. Right now, nurses spend less time with the patients who need us most. Nurses have more responsibilities, mostly designated by management as a way to seek reimbursements and increase revenue. This is a major contributor to the decline in the field. Less people want to go into nursing, and more nurses are leaving the profession every day. We were already burned out and fatigued when the pandemic hit. For a while, we thought that Covid would shed a spotlight on the oppressive working conditions that nurses face every day. And for a while it did, but things changed quickly because of the strain on an already-overtaxed system. As a result, nurses feel devalued. If I am elected to this role, I will use this position to advocate for nurses and the value we bring to healthcare and the world. I will create tables for nurses where we can come together in dialogue to be our own advocates to the hospital. I would also like to see more opportunities to advance our education and careers. Thank you for considering me, I hope to have your vote.

                NAME:                 CONNIE WILDER, RN

                                             Bridgewater, MA             

EMPLOYMENT:                 Good Samaritan Medical Center

    EDUCATION:                  Quincy College, Associates, 1994                                     

PRESENT/PAST:                 Current Union Rep, Negotiation Committee Member

                NAME:                COLLEEN WOLFE, RN   

                                               Charlton, MA

EMPLOYMENT:                 UMass Memorial

    EDUCATION:                  QCC, ADN, 1995                               

PRESENT/PAST:                 BOD, Finance Committee, Co-chair of Memorial BU



                NAME:                 ELIZABETH MULHOLLAND,PMHCNS/BS

                                                          Tewksbury, MA

EMPLOYMENT:                 Tewksbury Hospital

    EDUCATION:                  UMass Lowell, MSN, 2002

                                           University of New Hampshire, BSN, 1993                                      

PRESENT/PAST:                 BOD 2020-2023, Secretary 2020-present Reg 4


                 NAME:                MICHAEL D’INTINOSANTO, RN

                                                          Winchendon, MA

EMPLOYMENT:                 Retired- U7

    EDUCATION:                 Fitchburg State College, BSN, 1999o  

                                           Laboure’ Jr College, ADRN, 1984

PRESENT/PAST:                 Past Chair Unit 7, Vice Chair MNA PAC


                NAME:                 KAREN COUGHLIN, RN, PMH-BC

                                                          Arlington, MA                   

EMPLOYMENT:                Retired-MNA Unit 7/DMH/Taunton State Hospital

    EDUCATION:                Harvard Trade union Program, 2017    

                                           Massasoit Community College, Associates, 1984

PRESENT/PAST:               Current Director At-large, General/MNA Board of Directors, Past
MNA Vice President 2010-2019, MNA NENA (Northeast Nurses
Association) Delegate, Current NENA President, Current Chair,
Current Chair, MNA Workplace Violence & Abuse Prevention Task
Force, MNA Finance

Committee, MNA Convention Committee, MNA Congress on Nursing Practice, Past Vice Chair Unit 7 (MNA Bargaining unit) Executive Board, Past Chair, unit 7 local @ Taunton State Hospital, Current Secretary, Regional Council 5, Current MNA delegate, Greater Boston Labor Council, Executive Board.        

I have been honored to participate in numerous capacities within the MNA (see above).Our struggles continue; our members continue to fight and advocate for best practices, safe patient limits and the resources and equipment needed to safely care for their patients, themselves, and their practice. The issues we face here are common across the country.

NENA was established in 2015 with the MNA as a founding Organizational Member. As their website states, “NENA’s mission and vision is to promote quality health care by advocating for the collective interests of healthcare providers and their patients throughout the Northeast.” Since 2015 NENA has successfully helped over 7,000 healthcare workers (including here in MA) come together to have a collective voice, protecting our professional practice and our patients. I have been honored to sit on the NENA Board of Delegates for several years. I currently serve as the President of NENA.

I am energized by and driven to advocate for workers to have a voice at the table. I believe in fighting for the health and safety of ourselves, our patients, and our communities. I believe in advocacy, unionism, building coalitions, and fighting for what is right and just. So does NENA.

I respectfully ask for your vote to continue to be a delegate of NENA.

Thank you so very much.

                 NAME:                MICHAEL D’INTINOSANTO, RN

                                                          Winchendon, MA

EMPLOYMENT:                 Retired-U7

    EDUCATION:                 Fitchburg State College, BSN, 1999o  

                                           Laboure’ Jr College, ADRN, 1984

PRESENT/PAST:                 Past Chair Unit 7, Vice Chair MNA PAC